Browsing CategoryBusiness

Understanding UK’s Growing Gig Economy, Workers’ Protection and Benefits

The UK continues to favour a gig-style work culture following the recent wake of events and current trend in the economy. Since 2010, it has been reported that the number of individuals running jobs in UK’s gig economy has risen by almost 72%. This survey performed by New Economics Foundation, thinkthank also revealed that self-employed workers in London, in the storage and transport sector increased from 38,000 in 2010 to over 65,000 in 2016. How does this affect the overall worker’s protection policy? Are there significant benefits to workers in a gig job? This are pertinent questions for discussion, but…

5 Tips for Managing a Multigenerational Workforce

Some businesses are faced with the unique challenge of managing a multigenerational team. This is a group of employees who range in age from the early 20s or late teens to those who are nearing retirement and may be in their early 70s. With each generation bringing its own set of ethics and expectations, companies might find that the work place is fraught with conflict and discord. Business managers are often tasked with the responsibility to navigate those expectations and conflicts. Fortunately, there are five manageable steps for meeting this challenge. One: Establish Clear Expectations Choose a handful of workplace…

Professional Poker: Investing in Players

Any of us who’ve paid a little attention will know that professional poker is a lucrative business for the players. In 2013 around $200 million in prize money was awarded to players in the more than 60 annual WSOP (World Series of Poker) events, and that’s just one of the major global tournament organisers out there. With so many cameras dotted around these competitions ensuring that spectators can see every hand being held, you’d think that you could see everything there is to see about the poker industry. However, one aspect that’s not so immediately obvious is how much financial…

Educational Programs Emphasize the Need for Media Savviness

Modern media affect nearly every career field in some manner. Whether professionals are interfacing with it to stay informed or to be aware media coverage concerning one’s industry, it’s important to recognize that one’s work never exists in a bubble. Within contemporary educational programs, understanding the effects of media as well as interacting with it are emphasized as part of students’ total learning experiences. Understanding how to deal with it in strategic, intelligent ways must be included as a component of every curriculum in the 21st century. Sports Industry Pros Need to Be Media-Smart The glare of the media spotlight in…

Could you crowdfund for a science lab?

Are you looking to create a new science lab or improve an existing one but you’re struggling to raise the funds you need to complete the project? You’re certainly not alone. Many schools, colleges and universities face this problem. As UK lab furniture specialists Innova Design Solutions highlighted in a recent blog post, good lab design can significantly improve students’ performance, so it’s essential that these environments are spot on. Fortunately, through crowdfunding, the internet has opened up a new way to generate resources for these projects. Keep reading to find out more about this approach and to see whether…

Tips to help you to Rent out Your Investment Property

Saving for a pension is something we should all be doing, but few of us actually do. Finding a good plan that will provide us with a reliable income decades down the line is not easy. Most people do not feel that they have the right experience to make an important financial decision like this. As a result, increasingly people are opting to buy a property to rent out. The fact that the rent pays most of the bills, and that property typically increases in value makes it a pension vehicle that is easy for ordinary people to see the…

Easy and Affordable Office Decor Ideas

Your office space, and the way you are when you are within it, is not just a reflection of your own style and attitude but also an extension of your employer and the company as a whole. So it is of the utmost importance that you work to put you best foot forward when it comes to the way you design and decorate your office space. Here are some pointers to keep in mind: Add Color The best offices have a color pallet that fit the work that is to be done day in and day out within that space.…